Today I am going to talk about my Pet. I've had just three pets in my life: a little turtle named "Florencia", a boxer dog named "Brownie" that my best friend gave me when I turned 17 years old and my cocker-poodle dog Laura.
Those three animals were and are very important to me. But I have an special relationship with Laura because she is the only one who lives with me now (and we have lived for 7 years together), so I think that I could say more about it. That doesn't means that I don't love my other pets or that I don't spend time with them.
Laura is the only dog that lives with me because she is like a little old dog so quiet that sleep so much and is the all time asking for petting. Brownie is huge and need to run the hole day so that is why he lives in my father's house (out from Santiago)that is bigger.
Laura came to my house 7 years ago, on my sister's birthday, when she had 4 years old. Before that, she was my aunt's dog, but my aunt gave us Laura because she was moving to other city and we were so near to Laura (we used to go to visit her home to play with her and to care her when she was alone).
Laura was a "easy" dog that always was loving with everyone, so the change of home wasn't so difficult to her (or that is what we always thought). She used to wait us (my sister and my) every day to play with a teddy picker and bite it. At this time she does just the same thing and the rest of the day she is sleeping on our beds.
I love to came home and see her waiting me with a teddy picker on her snout and running by the house. I use to put water on her container and to clean the courtyard.
Regards :)
Here is Laura with Bownie (when he was a baby) on me. |
Laura is so cute! I like your history :) Regards.