Thursday, July 25, 2013

The final post

Hello everyone!
Today I’m going to talk about the experience writing a blog for the English class.
I've never had one before this year, so at the beginning it was so difficult to write thinking that others will read it, and obviously the language was a problem.
But considering this learning methodology, although it is good to develop personal writing skills and to learn English vocabulary, I think that it is better to learn in a collective process, because from my point of view, the learning is so much fruitful if it is made from all our own shared experiences. So, I think that a good way to make this experience better in the future is to incorporate a review of the blogs all together. Also, we could strengthen the vocabulary so we can detect our weaknesses and work with them together so we can improve.
Anyway, I can’t deny that the exercise of writing every week (with some weeks of break) has had some good results. I feel I've improved my writing and reading skills (When I read my classmate’s blogs). I also learned to use a new technology tool and a lot of new words.

Now, talking about the course in general, I think it was very well despite the few sessions this term. I hope that the classes keep improving next year :)  

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