Hello classmates today I will talk about a "free topic".
It is really difficult to me to think about something free, specially in this few minutes. But I think that the History (as a discipline) is something interesting to talk about, and specially because I have been reflecting about it these days.
First of all I have to say that I am not a specialized on this area and my opinions have not been discussed with more people.
This term I started being "ayudante" (something like the assistant of the students of a course) of the course Social History of Chile. In this course students prepare a investigation about a "social subject". That means that everything that they search and investigate about it has to focus on the social group that is the central affected and involved on the process and facts, not on the government or on the macro economic or politics that determine their acts.
This central thing of the social history is something that I knew since I took that course last year. But at this time it makes much sense to me. Because when you study a social science you can realize about a lot of social problems related with a macro structure (the social capitalism system), but the subjects about how to work or how to make reading on the direct reality are few.
I think that the way that the history works it's great methodologically, and it's similar to some Anthropology technique (interviews). But there is a huge difference with the social sciences, and it is on the politic objective that the social and the economic history put at the beginning. The history want to recover a voice, recognizing that this voice have been silenced for someone or something. And that process of silence (oppression) include an important subject, that lived that. His life is something to recover and the way to make history is from that or those subjects, the historic and politic subjects.